Bar none, the best pocketbook wine guide today is Tom Stevenson's Wine Report. I find it remarkable that such a handy book can cram information on vintages, producers, and individual wines of 38 separate wine regions of the world. And each region is reported by an expert in the field, including the likes of David Peppercorn MW on Bordeaux, Clive Coates MW on Burgundy, Nicolas Belfrage and Franco Ziliani on Italy, John Radford on Spain, Dan Berger on California, and, of course, Tom Stevenson on Champagne and Alsace.
Published each year, the 2008 edition just came out in time for your holiday reading and gift giving. I purchased a copy at Borders for $15.00.
Ideal book to have for any collector, especially for following vintages. Most of the contributors are top notch. I've been raving about it for years. It's regularly recommended to MW candidates to keep abreast of all the regions of the wine world.