I can't remember the very first time I had a samosa--probably in my grad school days, foraging for cheap eats around Central Square and Kenmore Square--but I knew on the first bite I instantly fell in love with it.
Recently I went into a samosa hunt. The samosa at the famous Amber India is good but didn't satisfy me--a little too grand with the chickpeas and pricey for this great humble snack. I heard Vik's Chaat Corner's is the best but the trek to Berkeley is a bit out of the way for me.

Finally, I read about Rajjot Sweets and Snacks deep in suburban Sunnyvale. The eatery was elusive to spot, sitting next to a corner gas station. Normally, I don't associate the two together. Thank God for the large window signage, "Fresh Indian Fast Food", I found the place after criscrossing half of Sunnyvale.

As soon as I walked in I knew this place would have great samosa. On the wall menu above the counter it said "Samosa order $.60 each". Proper samosa should be less than a buck. I ordered a bunch and ate one there together with my lunch plate of chicken curry and basmati rice with slivers of red onion, all washed down by refreshing mangolassi in a clear plastic cup. I must say, lunching in plastic and styrofoam ware has a certain je ne sais quoi. Everything was fantastic! I spent about $10 for the whole thing, including my precious take-out samosas.

Later that night, I wolfed down the rest of the samosa with glasses of wine. Fried in ghee, its thick, buttery crust and dense, spicy filling really constitute a meal--a real samosa must weigh about a pound each. Just kidding, but that's how it felt in my tummy. Anyway, with a sparkling Cava from German Gilabert it was heavenly, really like having tapas. And with a glass of a firm Marsannay Rouge from Regis Bouvier the samosa went down like butter, or should I say ghee.

Rajjot Sweets and Snacks
1234 South Wolfe Road
Sunnyvale, CA